Ensley neighborhood

Discuss gangs in the The South in the following states; Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington D.C. & West Virgina
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Ensley neighborhood

Unread post by EliminatorX74 » October 30th, 2004, 12:46 am

Over here in Ensley which is made up of Ave A - Ave Z we have a abundant GD gang.From elementary schools to OGs.I am a GD and wish to let others know what goes on.OG's tell me when they were younger gang life was how you made it.You could be beat in and not participate and be killed or you could be beat in and participate sometimes but you'd better make sure you participated on the big things (fights with false claimers,anyone who said a put down word,etc).Their are crips and bloods here and there but us GD's have it locked down.Whoever was lookin to see Ganglife in action come this way.You'll see black durags an flags on ankles,arms,necks,mouths,shoes,hair,shoulders and anyother place you can put one.Their always on the right.

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Joined: July 13th, 2003, 3:13 pm

Re: Alabama Gangs

Unread post by edgarb » November 10th, 2004, 6:57 pm

EliminatorX74 --> would u be willing to be my personal guide through the Ensley neighborhoods?

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