Gang territory map data for Los Angeles County

South Los Angeles Gang Territory Map

South Los Angeles Gang Territory Map

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GIS Gang Territory Files

If you are a regular GIS (Geographic Information Systems) user or a novice to this powerful tool you can examine the geography of Los Angeles County’s gang territories on your own desktop. You can examine the growth of these territories over time and you can compare other type of data sources such as the Census data to these boundary sets. The map sample show the current gang boundaries where the legend has differentiated between Bloods, Crips & Hispanic gangs which can be viewed in ArcView or in the free software Arc Explorer.

There are five data sets, 1960, 1972, 1978, 1996 & 2010 gang territories for Los Angeles County available on CD ROM in “.shp” files.

1. 1960 – Black clubs of Los Angeles (40 gangs)

2. 1972 – Black gangs including 8 Crips sets, plus several non-Crip gangs in the City than eventually became Bloods (18 gangs).

3. 1978 – Black gangs including Crips, Bloods, and Hispanic gangs (95 gangs)

4. 1996 – Black gangs only Crips & Bloods (250)

5. 2010 – Black gangs including the Crips & Bloods, plus Hispanic gangs (610 gangs)

These files are available for educational and research purposes and cannot be distributed or used for any profit purposes. Please view the copyright guidelines if you plan on acquiring these data sets.


Copyright Notice

These GIS files are owned by and some were published in Territoriality Among African American Street Gangs in Los Angeles. These files may not be copied, sold, used in any profit making venture, included in any database, modified, or distributed by any person or organization without permission of the owner. These files are intended for educational use in presentations, class instruction, and/or research. They may also used for individual personal use too. Any violation of these guidelines is a violation of this copyright notice and is subject to action. If you are not sure of usage contact the author of this data set.

15 Comments for “Gang territory map data for Los Angeles County”

  1. Justin Shepard

    is it possible to make this data stream downloadable because in this day and age time critical to us all

  2. Riena

    I think I am starting to look like a coacnirpsy theorists ..but it is called Redistribution of wealth and UN Agenda 21: sustainable Development signed in by Bill Clinton. Because of pollution our agriculture and ranching are outsourced to 3rd world countries and our environment will then become pristine .Agenda 21. People will be moved to the cities post offices closing up due to mandated funding of retirement benefits for people that do not exist. Wake up and smell the coffee. It is time to become informed and spread the word.

  3. Wolfman

    the poorer the people get the more gangs you are going to have

  4. Dntknw

    As soon as “first world” people stop using derogatory terms towards minorities in the US, segregation will cease to exist and therefore minorities will stop reacting violently towards you, “whities”. (Latin, asian, black, poor, redneck, hobo, usonian, etc.)

    • lakawak

      Black people are far more racist than white people. And white people are not the reason why black males commit more than half the murders in this country even though they represent less than 8% of the population. YOU are ther reason foir your suffering. YOU have failed you. YOU are the reason why everyone who knows you will be better off hte day after your suicide.

    • TruDat

      Right, the only reason Ni66ahs are uneducated and violent is because we use the term Ni66ahs. If we treated them as peers, they would adopt English and stop stealing. Why didn’t we think of this sooner?

  5. pepe

    hi………………………………………………………………………..wassup ese………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  6. christina d. luther

    what i am doing, is making some ___ ass ‘note’ on facebook.. some laugh, some throw up the bird, but what i am doing is making my IF I fING WON the lottery gig.. in my thoughts, if say.. i got like 40 mil.. i would AND MAKE NO MISTAKE do this.. my skin? my word! …. ok, i would make a shelter/counsel house where homies, either side, would be picked up by a chica, or someone else.. they walk in the door, guns counted, and bandana removed.. they go to homeboy, the older dude, and that muther fer gets a daily job..GUARANTEED? WHY? cause the mutha fa’s dats hiring him used to be ‘in it’.. ok? so, when YOU the member, need to go to a funeral, or like health and welfare, homey will be like.. it cool cuz, i got chu.. OK? NOW,.. THESE ARE EX MEMBERS.. THEY KNOW ish GOES DOWN.. and the jobs are ones that a million cats would love to get RIGHT NOW.. even for 10 min or an hour.. now…stipulation is.. YOU GOTTA START BETTERING yourself.. may take time.. but f all that.. if i won the fing lottery, dude. .straight the f up, id even have VATO JR section… MY MOTHER, she married a DOMINQUEZ. that muther fer was more about family and heart.. man, that cat is hella cool.. I WATCHED HIM PAY A COYOTE (dont worry pigs, statue of limits done gone HELLA YEARS AGO) TO BRING HIM ACROSS.. now, he did suffer broken ribs.. but mayan.. I LOVE THAT HOMBRE…. so,.. imagin my plight.. and what i need is a map, or some statistics.. im trying to get a ‘im a smart hota’ grant.. so.. work w/ me… BUT MY ish INTENTIONS ARE REAL.. if you fing diss me.. I’D WORRY ABOUT YOU..not me.. BUT YOU… peace out ese’s and esa’s… vaminose!

    • lakawak

      You do realize that everyone knows you are a coward in real life, right? That is, if you are even still alive. Thankfully for your family, people like you tend to live young. Either on the streets, or via suicide when they realize what a waste their life is.



  8. rome e murphy II

    Hey im Doing Music to bring Unity even though im a Former blood gang member but now i believe in the word of god not violence.i love my hood and friends .

    los angeles california

  9. mr alcohol

    were too busy feeding our own addictions meanwhile that gang chart is rapidly expanding. those numbers are huge lol lucky i live far away and can observe those colours expanding over la from my peaceful part of the world. goodluck trying to manage this issue.. authorities have no chance

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