Gang Legislation

Gang Legislation

Since the 1980s many states have adopted legislation and laws specifically drafted to combat street gangs and to make it easier to prosecute their offenses. California has led the nation in laws written to prosecute gangs, but many US states have their own laws. This section will will focus on California, City of Los Angeles, and the County of Los Angeles’ laws related to gang activity.

Federal Laws
Gang Abatement and Prevention Act of 2007 by US Senator Dianne Feinstein

Gang Buster Bill (The Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act of 2005)

– Editorial on US House passage of Gangbusters Bill; Gangbusters bill overshoots target, June 3, 2005, Denver Post
– Editorial on US House passage of Gangbusters Bill; The House Overreaches, May 16, 2005, Washington Post
– ‘Gangbusters’ bill put NN police chief in a spot, April 24, 2005, Capitol Notebook
Congressman J. Randy Forbes’ explanation to the “The Gangbuster Bill.”
– Gangbusters Brochure [106K pdf]

California Laws
– State & Local laws
– California gang definition

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